Thursday, December 01, 2005

Male Bastardology

My friend had an interesting conversation with her male friend regarding the universal favourite phrase of women - "All Men are Bastards". It's really it here.

All men are bastards. Do I agree?

I think I have seen a couple of bastards..been with them, seen them with my friends and I come to this conclusion. There are no good or bad guys...just good or bad timing. A guy likes you or wants to settle down, he will be good..or at least better. If not, he will be a bastard. A friend said "Don't bother to show mercy to a guy cos he won't show mercy when he leaves". If he's a bastard, the sad truth is...he probably didn't love you or he simply didn't like you enough. Sorry ladies, I know it's painful to know, but it is.

The strange thing is sometimes if the man is a bastard, the effect left on the woman is far deeper than normal. Some say women like to be trampled on, like bad boys etc. I think it's a combination of reasons. Humans want things they cannot have, love whom they cannot love. The pain left behind by a bastard lasts for a long time. If you can't forget, it simply means you will remember.

The sad thing is..women usually love these bastards and while the world may be happy proclaiming he's a bastard, to presumably close the episode and lessen her pain, a part of her may agree but a part of her also knows it doesn't mean she loves him any less. I long given up on using "he's a bastard" as a form of comfort. How comforting can it be to hear that the man you love is a bastard and you are stupid enough to fall for it and still love him? Many women may protest to this, but ladies, spend time in your solitude and ask yourself if this is not the truth?

We may say the woman is dumb...but how do you bring yourself to blame a woman when she puts her heart and soul into it and you watch her fall apart for loving someone? I always believed, you cannot fault a true heart or a sincere heart. I paid a price for this belief but I still believe it.

Women are capable of doing the same thing men do. The difference is women tend to try a little the relationship, not break the guy's heart etc. There are of course true blue bitches but you know..i notice it's usually because they have been greatly disappointed and thus shaped, by bastards previously. The product of disillusionment I call it. Ask a little more and you'll usually find it.

So back to the question...all men are bastards?

Yes...if you are not The One.


Anonymous said...

Ahh.. so easy to read now!! :)

Do you believe in the One?

How do you know for sure??

Ask me who's the One for me when I'm on my deathbed. Think thats the only time I can stake my life on it and say - Mr. So & So is the one. Else when can you be sure?

You marry someone, he seems to be the One. What if things dun work out?? He suddenly relegated to 'Almost the one'?? :)

But I still carry the hope that the one that I marry is The One.

Hmm.. now... all I have to do is to get him.



Hey!! on a totally unrelated note - wanna go Zouk Out at Sentosa??? Next Sat. I've never been before!! Shall we go??? Go get ourselves drunk silly.. ehehhee... haven't done that in 2 weeks now. :)


Kismet said...

My dear, my friend also ask me to go zoukout but I dun like big parties leh..and I am out of my drinking phase...damn why didn't I drink less when I shd have drank less????

THE ONE...bad person to ask and me not on same path now so don't think I have much to say..but I think a part of me believes there will be someone, someone JUST FOR YOU. Not perfect, but just right for you.

Ya ask me on my deathbed and I probably know too..and I think it may well be someone long past..they say you never marry the one you love most. I think when you marry, it may not be marrying perfection, but a sense of commitment becos there will always be better people..better looking, great personality and all.. to forever search for elusive perfection is a never-ending chase. This only means the person doesn't really know what he or she wants.

I do need to spend more time with the loves of my life babe..u gals :) Lets hang out :)

Anonymous said...

If that's the case, I'm ready for commitment. Bring it on. :) :)

Zouk Out!! Get that gf and lets all go!!!! Juz for fun!! PLEASEEEE!!!!! I've nv been before, I'm curious!

You dun have to drink too much.

I dun have to drink too much. Though I most prob will.

Lets all hang out - at Zouk Out!
Pretty pleaseeeeeeeeee......
*big sheepish eyes* + *tugging your sleeves*

~Xuan. :) :)

chinfee said...

THE ONE - is not definite.

In this context, its just BEING SOMEONE whom you believe you can spend the rest of your days with.
And that you are more than happy to spend time and effort (not absolute numbers of course, amounts are subjective) to make it happen.

That is THE ONE.

Kismet said...

Yup me agree...the decision to be with that one to be THE ONE.