Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Fragility of Life

Ok I admit, I haven't been following news very much but this morning, I finally read the papers and the news that greeted me was the tsunami memorial news.

I was greatly moved. I think i have not been moved by news in a long time. There's always too much bad news around so for news that touches a lot on the spirit of humanity and unity among the human race regardless of colour and wealth was indeed refreshing and touching.

This simple poem by Tilly Smith, dubbed "Angel of The Beach" was simple but hits home:

"It wasn't devastation or death that won the day
It was humanity that triumphed
The shining victory of generosity, courage, love"

I think this little girl will never look at life the same again. I think we as bystanders will never comprehend the kind of impact such an episode has on the people left behind. Nonetheless, it is a great source of inspiration that in one's darkest hours, it is when the greatest light will show. In man's worst is also when you see man's best.

I think it's a real show of when it comes to life, there isn't a line that draws between race, age, status. All is equal before the higher power and nature...Life is indeed fragile and precious... with every beginning is another beginning's end.

To the departed, the survivors, the heroes and all who were affected, my little wish of blessing goes out to you.

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