Monday, March 20, 2006


Today, I got a phone call from my baby niece. To put it more precisely, she had taken my mum's phone and dialled my number by mistake. It was really funny to hear a baby go gah-gah and laugh and yet you know you can't really blame her. When I finally gave up and hung up the phone, I couldn't help but smile.

I am very clumsy with kids but I think over the years I have come to appreciate simplicity in people. People that you don't have to guess what their mind is really thinking, people who will not lie and people who deal with you with their true sincerity and heart. Babies are the most perfect embodiment of this type of people.

Today I watched a show that said when you dream of someone calling out to you, it's because that person's desire to see you is so strong that they flew out in their to see you in your dreams. I am not sure if it's true but it sure was an interesting way of looking at things. If it was true, it would be nice indeed..sometimes... *laughs* No perverts please!

I realise I cannot have spare time on my hands. Spare time is something I enjoy and yet fear at the same time. Strange dilemma isn't it?

Recently, I started considering a different life. A completely different life. Have you ever considered a life that is completely different from what you always knew? If you did, will you pursue it?

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