Friday, January 20, 2006


Sometimes people ask me why...Maybe I just don't know how to answer.

But it may be also because I learnt talk is cheap.

Actions speak louder than words.

I wonder if anyone noticed...I may still talk as much crap as I used to...But I have also talked a lot less in a way. I don't want to talk things and end up not doing them. If it's meant to happen, action will speak for itself. I do not wish to defend or justify myself...because maybe I grew tired and afraid of defending myself. It either never happens or it backfires. If truth is meant to be known and happen, it will. One can say I resigned to fate. In some ways...I agree. In some ways, all I can say is the things I have decided...there's no point in telling people until one day it happens and people see for themselves... and I see it for myself.


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