Friday, January 13, 2006


What should I eat today? What should I wear? Should I stay or go? Should I do this or that?


We face them everyday, Every little choice we make has a tremendous effect on our lives. That step you take when you leave your house everyday will decide how your life changes. Many major events in life all came from a very simple choice. Ever thought if you had chosen to go somewhere else today, how would your life turn out? For those in love, if you didn't go to a particular place and didn't meet your loved one, how would things have turned out? Butterfly effect one may call it.

I always have this belief..Everything is a choice. There are very few things in life that is not a choice...death maybe. Even at times, death is a choice. Sometimes, choice happens in a split fast that people miss it and dismiss it as "no choice". Perhaps sometimes that choice happened subconsciously so we don't even realise it.

Along with choices come more choices. The way to lead life according to that choice. The gains and the sacrifces for them. I hear a lot of people complain about their jobs and at the end of everything, to dismiss it as "no choice". There is a choice: Leave.

Sometimes as humans, we are all not strong enough to make hard decisions. We dangle in that quandary of knowing the right decision and not being able to be strong enough to take it. Self contempt develops and I tell you, self contempt is one of the most difficult and punishing feelings I know.

Sometimes we decide but do not realise the things that have to come along with that choice. We are not prepared for it or can't take the necessary decisions to make that choice come alive. In the end, we become unhappy and dismiss that as a bad choice. Sometimes, choices comes with perks...and most certainly sacrifices.

On a side note..I hate it when people make assumptions about me, what I feel, what I think, what I do. If one wanna hurt me or poke fun at me, fine..BUT get your facts right. Don't assume. And I repeat. DO NOT ASSUME. I don't mind bringing some fun and laughter but everyone and everything has a limit. Small things do not matter but there comes a point when enough build up that nothing is small anymore. If I stop responding, it means some limits have been crossed and I can't even be bothered to correct anymore. Break all of them and well..we'll see.


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