Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Man Within The Woman, Woman Within The Man

While everyone is enjoying the holidays, this is one of the busiest work periods for Eve. Eve hardly has time to check her emails regularly. Last night, Eve touched her bed and only managed this 5 minutes before going off to a full day again.

Eve is happy with her life as it is...purposeful busy-ness I call it.

There are things Eve misses though.

Eve misses time with family especially her little girl, time with friends and time for herself.

Eve doesn't mean to brag but sense of responsibility works Eve hard. Working often calls upon Eve to be masculine because Eve works like a man. In that sense, sometimes Eve doesn't feel very female much nowadays because there is hardly time to be that.

Sometimes, Eve misses being a girl...a woman.

1 comment:

cheekysalsera said...

There's nothing masculine (or feminine for that matter) about working often. Only workaholic and slacker =X

Anw... WAKE UP, WOMAN!!! Stop missing being one and enjoy being one already. You're perfectly woman, and you don't need to do or be anything else to justify that... =)

Love lots and Merry Christmas ^_^