Tuesday, December 19, 2006

BITCH in the making

My gal friend told me I had to read "Why Men Marry Bitches" by Sherry Argov.

She proclaims it to be her bible these days.

From a break-up to a possible long term relationship, it sure sounded like a must-read.

I love this book!

It's funny for one thing. I giggled while reading it from ackowledgements to where I last stopped at. I stopped only because I had to do other things like teach and work. You won't want to put it down because it is very practical knowledge written in a satirical and humourous manner.

Here's a few favourite excerpts:

"When I use the word bitch, the woman I am describing is not cruel or mean.....The term is intended to be satirical, and does not take itself too seriously. I use it to describe a strong woman who has her own identity and is secure with who she is. She is plenty happy giving him "space" because she enjoys having hers. She is clear about what she will or will not accept. She'll back away at the slightest whiff of disrespect, and this makes her more exciting to a man, not less. That's the woman he dreams of marrying."

"I don't have time to be classified as difficult, and I don't have time to care." - Kim Basinger.

"Is she a warrior? Or will she be din-din? Before he becomes your knight in shining armor he wants to know, "Is she even worth defending?" "

BITCH stands for Babe In Total Control of Herself.

You gals should really read it for yourself. My personal take on it after giggling, seeing the things I used to do and the things I came to acquire myself and will do now even more so after reading it, is that the main theme is really about self-respect. Respecting oneself so that others may learn to respect you for that...and not bending over for someone who doesn't even think you are worth taking care of. I think even men themselves may not be aware that while they proclaim that they like nice women, they would be inevitably drawn to a "bitch". It's easy. Think about the bad boy syndrome with women.

I do not subscribe to the the idea of simply "creating" a life for oneself so as to prove to any man that one has a life. The men can probably tell when we are just playing hard to get versus "woah this gal really has a life she loves". The idea is to really become the woman who loves herself as well as her man. The lady with a REAL life.

I have had men who told me in the face they would appreciate it if the women knew how to take care of themselves and had the courage to stand up for themselves. They respect these women. If the man doesn't appreciate it, then get a man who does because they do exist.

I realise how anything that could have possibly gone wrong with my last relationship (if u can call it one) happened. Whatever I got right, I did it wrong then, Whatever I got wrong, I did it even more wrong. I was completely out of myself.

No more.

So ladies, get bitchy..get very biiiittcchhyyy heh heh heh

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