Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I finally found a minute to catch a breather...Last few days has been madness of shuffling in between work and even with that a lot of my work awaits me. Stress stress..

This must be my most unromantic Valentine's Day ever.

Not slept much. Ate a lot. Not exercised much. Bad skin. Bad physcial condition. Endless work.

This year's Valentine's Day, I spent it to make other girls happy...desensitizes the whole romantic feel of it...but I must say there are some sweet guys out there and definitely...bastards too.


Vandalin said...

you have me, two for the price of one... wahahaha!

xuan said...

Well, I had a hot date with my sister. HIghly sensual that was.

Bah. I can juz see it happening. I'll never meet anyone who'll sweep me off my feet and I shall spend the remaining V days of my life in front of the TV. Cos after awhile, even my sis will get attached. Bah.

Junyu said...

Sheesh. You two melon-cauliflowers are saying all these cos you had to spend THIS Valentines alone. Think of Valentines past when you also had someone. Nobody spents every V Day with somebody but some people have never spent a V Day with anybody...
Sorry if i sound a bit bitter, suffering from PMS.

Anonymous said...

EH. YOU spend 7 good years of V day lor..


Junyu said...

actually, 9. but who's counting? =P