Monday, February 27, 2006

Catherine Bradshaw Tan?

I heard from my surprise reader from last entry that she had been following my writings since I started blogging.

I can't tell you how encouraging that is.

Another friend had also told me the same. The reason why I am happy is because I have always liked to write...not everything but pretty much like how Carrie writes about society and people in her column in Sex and The City. I always thought it would be nice to have my own column like that...think here we have it in Sumiko Tan.

Since young, I hated science and numbers. I even wished I liked them so I could have an easier time selecting subjects and take up popular subjects like science and maths so it would fit the Singaporean idea of practicality. I told myself I would never do finance. I love to sing, dance, draw, design and basically you get the idea.

Ah people do change.

I learnt over the years, numbers are important. If I wished to have my own business, I must know numbers. I work in all finance-related work now. What a great change it has been.

All that remains of my childhood love is my art folio which has been collecting dust in my family home, my attempts to go dancing and classes regularly, the occasional visits to galleries and theatre and of course writing.

I always thought one day I would write a book. A friend told me I should write a dance-sical since I like to dance. A column for me to ramble would be nice too. No matter what, it will probably be about people, human beings, being human, all the ugly and beauty that comes wth it. Today, when I told surprise reader I always wanted to have a column if I could, she asked me:

"So what are you doing about it?"

I was shocked.

What a simple question!

I had never thought about doing ANYTHING about it! *Gasp* I have become like one of the many who want and not do anything about it and I prided myself on being less like that. Hmmm...maybe I should really think about it...maybe THAT is my calling...Singapore's very own Carrie Bradshaw, minus the ever troublesome Mr Big plus the nice ending, wonderful friends (which I already have), nice clothes, cosy apartment...*the list goes on*

That would be very nice indeed..oh did I mention the cool couture fashion and the SHOES too? :D

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