Monday, February 06, 2006

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

This morning was like many other mornings where I had woken up in an unearthly hour like 5 am. Yet, this morning felt a little different from others. Something told me I had to read a book..not fiction or business reading but a book about life. So I didn't switch on my trading system as I usually do and picked up a book instead.

And so I picked up a book called "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari".

"Life is no brief candle for me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handling it on to future generations." - George Brnard Shaw

I cannot explain how I feel about the timing of this book. As I read the book...even at first chapter...I felt a sense of familiarity. The strange thing is...I have been getting similar things pop up in my life recently.

People call it coincidence...some call it think too much...but at some point of my life, I realised that every human being is capable of intuition and very often the messages are's just whether you are tuning in that's all. So I started paying attention to things that keep popping up because it usually says something.

The other day I laid in my room and suddenly a thought came to my mind. Many know me as the multi tasking girl and ask me why do I work so hard? Actually I still think I don't work hard enough..but anyway..I suddenly thought what if there was a different life I could lead?

What if I could just drop everything now and leave? What if I could just work and travel? Which deadline as I using? Life... or the one I had set for myself? This is a profound question of which I do not know what words to use than these simple words. Simply put, are we really living for life or is life living us?

Please do not be mistaken. I like to be busy with work and I do not hate it. I like to be productive and see myself going on momentum. Simply put, I am not saying this out of burnout.

People who know me long enough will know that I want to go travel. I cannot tell you how much this calling has grown over the recent years. I am not talking about that two weeks in Greece, two weeks in London type. I am talking about really going travelling...with a camera..a notebook or maybe laptop to write. A life that is probably involved with serving humans or spirituality.

Some time ago I had a realisation that this life that is so entwined with career , money, fianance and business is transitory. This means I am in it because I wanted it. People think it's the money..sure I need the money for certain things...but like my best friend who will understand it, its the sense of achievement and completion that really motivates us.

Perhaps it's the product of capitalism..a trait very apparent in this part of the world...Singaporeans have been so ingrained with the idea that we must always be productive, chasing after some high flying position or bigger paycheck to be considered sucessful. Success is very often measured by the job you have or the pay you take home. It is no wonder people get so traumatised when they get retrenched because the identity of oneself becomes compromised.
People can say the cliche line of success is more than money but how many people can honestly say they really practise what they preach?

I think in way, it is the product of that system that I have such goals for myself. There are of course personal things that motivates me but somehow I always had the day I will just drop everything and go. I have found the thing I find interesting to do for life in terms of work but somehow this feeling always lingered around. It is almost like my little voice telling fate: "Please give me a bit more time, let me finish this".

The other day I did a tarot card reading for fun...the guy told me... "when you find love, your whole life will change and your identity will be different..your purpose will be different..I do not see you travel until you give all these financial work up"....well he also told me I could become the best housewife the world has ever seen so God knows if I do get to travel? *laughs?*

Ever thought of living? :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Jiao, this is a good write up...tells me a lot wut u been thinkin' and sumtimes I do feel da same way, just not to the same extent...anyhows, take it easy :)

Kismet said...

Thanks's been a long time...hope to see ya soon!