Monday, February 27, 2006

The Journey and The Destination

I have broken the 100 mark! I am on my 101th post! As some of you may know I am reading "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" by Robin S. Sharma. This is a great book with lots of good thoughts, techniques and quotes. I would like to share a short excerpt here that caught me and hit me in many ways...


"Quick-fixes do not work. All lasting inner change requires time and effort. Persistence is the mother of personal change. I am not saying it will take years to make profound changes in your life. If you dilligently apply the strategies I am sharing with you every day for one month. you will be astonished at the results. You will begin to tap into the highest levels of your own capacity and enter the realm of the miraculous. But to reach thus destination, you must not get hung up on the outcome. Instead, enjoy the process of personal expansion and growth. Ironically, the less you focus on the end result, the quicker it will come."

"How so?"

"It's like that classic story of the young boy who travelled far from his home to study under a great teacher. When he met the wise old man, his first question was, 'How long will it take me before I am as wise as you?'

"The response came swiftly,'Five years.'

"'This is a very long time,' the boy replied. 'How about if I work twice as hard?'

'' ' Then it will take ten,' said the master.

'' 'Ten! That's far too long. How about if I studied all day and well into the night, every night?'

'' 'Fifteen years,' said the sage.

'' 'I don't understand,' replied the boy. 'Every time I promise to devote more energy to my goal, you tell me that it wil take longer. Why?'

'' 'The answer is simple. With one eye fixed on the destination, there is only one left to guide you along the journey.' ''


Hope you like it...Good night Ladies and Gentlemen :)



Boon said...

my bro, he just bought a 2nd hand " monk who sold his ferrari". guess i might just go try to read too. sounds good huh.

Kismet said...

Yes it is...just be prepared you may take a second look at your own life :)