Friday, July 28, 2006

Dream Life

Last night I was watching a Korean movie titled "Daisy". It was the story of how a killer and an interpol fell in love with the same woman, a sidewalk artist.

Favourite Korean actor aside, what really caught my heart was the lifestyle of the sidewalk artist.

Running an antique shop by day, sketching for living on the side on the streets of Amsterdam and painting and organising her own exhibition by night...what a life!

As I was watching her, unknowingly, I muttered "This will always be a regret in my life that I may never get to live this life."

When I said that, I stopped myself.

Well, nothing to feel majorly upset about...I could understand why my family did not want me to pursue the arts. I don't hate the eventual path I chose but it does make you wonder what if you had done something, how different life would have been? Of course, the movie doesn't show how the girl will survive with such irregular income and the other harsh realities of everyday living. Hey after all, IT IS a Korean movie.

It made me see how you can be swept by the things you see and hear and think a life you choose is the life you really want until one day the life you always dreamed of tugs at you but is no longer within your easy reach. I am glad I found the concept of financial freedom and the life that comes with it. But lately, the happiness I found in trying different things really made me wonder. Is the life I thought I wanted these few years really the life I want?

A little side topic on the area of revisiting...there are times one knows one has to leave the current situation and the people in it so as to let the storm blow past and allow all the negative emotions to go away. I recently had the feeling to meet the people in my past and make peace of which I have done so and will continue to do so. Some, welll...may have to wait for a long time or perhaps never.

Sticking with my current motto to do the things one wants to do, it's little surprise if I take one year off and lead the life just as she had led. Not impossible actually if I build enough passive income. Then, I will go be live this little dream somewhere down the road. Wish me luck :)

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