Sunday, May 28, 2006


It's been a number of days since my last entry. Well I prefer to write when there's something to write, share, mull or think about :)

An incident happened yesterday and it was kinda uncanny how things happened. I think God was trying to send me a not so gentle reminder :P

I realised how fragile humans can be. I realised how sometimes things can hit you so suddenly and you won't even have time or ability to react. I realised the importance of looking out for your health and the importance of insurance! Not professional hazard really is. I realised if any small factor had changed, the outcome might have been totally different.

More than ever, I believe everyone has a certain timing in life. I kinda felt at some point that it was not death that was fearful but the absence of a meaningful and purposeful life that was truly scary.

I believe everyone has a purpose in life. A job, role or whatever you call it for his or her existence in the world. Some seem greater than the others but I always felt everyone's role and contribution was important in some way, no matter how small it seemed. Without everyone's part, there will be no world.

Sometimes I think when life comes to an end, it simply means one has finished the task that he or she was supposed to do. If the job was not finished, it means it was time for someone else to take over.

Many of us put away the things we want to do because we think it may involve certain risks. I have no doubt at all we should cherish ourselves and protect ourselves from risk. A certain part of me believes, if it's your time, it doesn't matter whether you were jumping off a plane or just sitting down at home. When it's time, it's time.

Kinda philosophical huh? :P

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