Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I Love Mornings

I never quite used to be a morning person. I was a living owl. Years of notorious nightlife in university had honed me to be one.

But I love mornings now *smile*

Despite the mess at home, somehow very nice light comes into the house in the mornings. All is quiet and peaceful and one can easily settle down to reading and working. Throw in nice perky music from Bistro Blue (inspiration for my dream :P) and ahhhh hello wonderland! All I need is the piping hot breakfast and I am quite set.

Most people think what a drag it is to wake up at 7 am. Well it is if you sleep late. When you do get some sleep the night before, waking at 7am is actually a wonderful feeling. You have more of the day to live, more time to do the things you want and the air is just much nicer. I used to tell my mum I love the air back home in Port Dickson in the morning because it was so so much fresher. It's not as good here but still better than the rest of the day. You simply don't get that kind of air once the world starts moving.

Try waking up earlier and if you already do, try something else instead of complaining and lamenting the hour. Try taking a deep breath of the air outside and feel the beauty of morning :)

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