Thursday, November 09, 2006

Step Up

I just watched the movie "Step Up"...I haven't watched a movie in a long while frankly..

The storyline was nothing new. Most dance movies aren't big on the storyline because the moves and music alone is distracting enough.

However, this was the first time I cried at watching a dance movie. It wasn't because movie was too moving or tragic. I cried at the end when she finished her final showcase on stage and was awarded a job with a dance company.

The thought that came to my mind was "That could have been me."

Yes I may have never made it that far but if I had tried, that could have been me. There are many more talented dancers in the world but I guess the part that hurt was that I did not believe enough in myself to try.

We can always blame the education system and our society for not allowing us to pursue our dreams...but the truth is, we didn't have the guts to or believed enough in ourselves to. I know I didn't because it was precisely the thing I had dismissed myself with.."You are not as'll never make it". Thus, I never REALLY tried.

I don't like to think of "what ifs" because that leads to unnecessary regret. However, when that thought came to me naturally at that moment in the movie...I realised how much emptiness I have left for myself all these years that I say no to my dreams and in that instant, felt all the emptiness in the tears that fell naturally.

Have I truly lived? Truly tried the things I wanted to try and experienced all that life has to offer? I know there are many days ahead and I could always try but there are some things that once gone will be hard to chase back. I don't know how far I can you?

Will yoi step up if the chance ever came to you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't think back so much. then you'll start wondering about all those lost opportunities and miss out on what you can do now.

go with the flow! you're doing great girl!