Monday, July 02, 2007

A Wish

There were times I wondered if I could have one wish in the world, what would it be?

I thought maybe I would want to wish for immediate financial freedom so that I can do anything I want?

I thought maybe flawless skin and a body that will stay slim and healthy always?

Never-ending good luck?

Perhaps a look at my previous lives?

There were so many things I could wish for but I believe that everything in this world has cause and effect. A sudden wilful wish may well change the whole course of events that was meant to be and not always to best effect. Greed doesn't always lead to more.

I don't know why but somehow I always ended up with this answer:

I would like to meet God.

I have never been an extremely religious person but I am a God-believer...I am just not sure how much I believe of what people claim God to be. This is dangerous and sensitive territory so I will leave it at that.

But I would like to meet God. I would like to ask him what he had in mind when he created the world and Man. I would like to ask him what his hopes and dreams are. I would like to ask him the meaning of life.

Perhaps after the little chat with God, there will not be much change. I will still have to work and slog it out. I will still have age and have nasty skin. I will still need to diet. But somehow, I do believe that something will change inside which will make that universe of difference.

Yes, I think if I had one wish, I would like to have a conversation with God.

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