Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Sweet Surrender

I copied this off a friend's blog... thought it was a nice cute entry...small food for thought for the ladies :)

The surrendering date

Once upon a time, someone very close to my heart had told me that in order to be successful in attracting any man at all, was for the girl to surrender. Surrender all control to the man, surrender all need to critise, enjoy the simply pleasures in allow the man to be a man.
For example, at a restuarant, if the waiter accidentally spills soup on you, let the man take control of the situation. What should the woman do in this case? Nothing! Just sit there calmly and let the man handle the situation. It's a help the "damsel in distress" thing. However, should the man just sit there an do nothing about it, then calmly transfer you "damsel in distress" to the manager of the restuarant. At this very point, it would be very clear that you will be better off without your date. Should the manager come to your rescue, perhaps you should consider dating the manager instead.


Anonymous said...

wahhH!!! cannot. i cannot act like damsel in distress and let the guy 'protect' me. not in these cases. i fight my own battles. or even literal fights. i want my man to stay out of it.

xuan said...

Hahahahha!! I'll date the manager if he comes to my rescue. am 18th century girl... looking for prince charming on white horse. :D

Lupin Tan said...

angela ==> U mean 13th century? That's the mediveal period, you only get knights in shiny armor then. Hahaha.

Or do you prefer a gentlemen, then it should be the late 1800's, early 1900's.
