Monday, August 21, 2006

Power of Pain, Pain of Power

Broken Nails.


Numbed finger.

Nope Eve ain't the subject of abuse...or self abuse.

What is it about Muay Thai that keeps Eve going back despite all those mentioned above?

As I am typing, I am starting to have some feeling in my little finger that had gone numb because I had punched too hard wrongly yesterday. I wonder if I have to see a sinseh. Hope not :(

It all started when I attended BodyCombat in gym. Maybe she always had some dream to be able to kick some ass so I really enjoyed the classes. However, my inner fighter was calling for more proper training. When the stress got so high, I brought forward this plan.

Thus, I punched and kicked my way through Muay Thai class the last few weeks . Ladies, if you wanna tone up fast, do Muay Thai. Every week, I worked my muscles harder than I ever had in a long time. Just one minute of sparring will bring forth enough sweat for other to think you ran 1km. Now, I totally believe fighters have AMAZING stamina. Fortunately I didn't suffer major injuries. The instructor was always cautious of safety. Injuries were simply a product of my carelessness.

The first few classes were tough. Getting the technique right and delivering it with enough power was difficult. When one first starts out, you'd always use too much force. The first time I kicked the bag expecting it to land what you see in the movies was indeed a fantasy. It was a huge ouch!

However, you slowly start to realise that power does not necessarily come from using greater force. Sure you need it but the technique helps a great deal. The kind of satisfaction one gets from hearing your kicks grow stronger and faster with time is hugely satisfying. It felt great when I saw the "woah and tired" look on my male sparring partner's face while practising packs with him, not to mention the shiok feeling of delivering five consecutive kicks with each one getting more powerful. The word is shiok. Pardon my Singlish, but there is no other word that can describe it better.

Maybe it is the power that comes along with it. I always liked how fighters can execute deadly kicks with such nice lines. It was in kicking that I realised how hard and painful it is to inflict pain on someone. It can hurt you more if you are careful. Remember all the movies where the hero will kick the bad guys like a pillow? The human body is not that soft. I didn't kick a human body to know (though I did accidentally kick softly). It was in the impact from fighting bags and sparring that taught me that.

I remember a scene from a movie where a kid had stolen a gun and was attempting to shoot it at the owner of the gun. It was locked and hard to shoot.

At this point, the owner asked "Heavy, isn't it?".

The kid answered "Yeah.""

"That is the weight of human life."

I love the workout and workout that comes with it. Violence is not my kinda thing.

I am not a violent person...really.

*smile sweetly*

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