Sunday, August 13, 2006


"RAady, Set-O...GO!"

I love this part of Tokyo Drift bacause it is so cute.

Watching Tokyo Drift brings out my inner driver (or the lack of it) and a whole ton of memories. I remember a LONG time ago where the whole group of us would go to the arcade after school to perfect the art of drifting and we were all drift racers in our own Daytona.

Daytona is almost like a classic. Over a decade later (yes I am old), one can still find Daytona in the arcades. It was so addictive to try and steer the course, beat time and of course, beat the guys at it. Will the expert course lady driver who used to have droves of men watching her drive in silence please stand up? You know who you are :P

We would crash in real life of course. Real life driving is different. I wish they would make machines based on real life driving techniques so I can have a go at it without crashing myself into bits. It would lack the thrill of course but hey, better than nothing. How many people have the money to race like that?

I absolutely loved the fashion. Loved the short skirts (which practically look like mere plasters across one's butt), fur coats, boots, heels.....ooooooohhhh. I don't think we will ever see this kind of fashion on Singapore streets. Guess we are still not as forward and bold as the Japanese.

With the lack of fancy cars, daytona anyone? :)


xuan said...

*stands up and gives curtsies*


Yes to Daytona, Please...


Lupin Tan said...

Arcade gaming had processed

Initial D, Stage I, II, III.
With card reading the let u processed ur wins, modify ur cars and stuff.

There's also another arcade game along the same genre and technology but I forgot name liao