Saturday, March 22, 2008

This Is Why It's Worth It

I am very lucky in the sense that I have had such encouraging comments from readers. They are one of the main forces that keep me going. Once in a while, you get one that jumps out at you and convinces you that all that effort is worth it.

I have never met her and this was the first comment she left me towards the end of Midnight City:

Hey. I'm sorry, i don't think i've ever replied. I planned to, after reading Colored Rhythms first, and after the Chapter "Sirens." But stuff just came up and I never got around to replying. Finally, now that i have time, I figured, oh i wanna become a good/loyal reader by catching up and leaving comments. But by now you've already added 3 chapters and the whole story is completed.@-@ And I know you hate silent readers too ><;;.

Wow. Colored Rhythms and this was... so incredibly different. I mean, don't get me wrong. Both of them were very well written and amazing. But this. This story just took my breath away. I have to say, this fic is probably the best I've ever read on soompi (and I've been a soompier since... 2002?). Yes. I will definitely remember you, and yes. You most definitely are/will become a soompi legend (in fic writing at least). No kidding. I mean I've read quite a few wonderful stories here, but none of them were as realistic (not the whole Yunho-as-a-spirit of course, but in terms of the way events were portrayed/perceived).

This fic really left a huge impact on me. I felt like crying in almost every chapter, literally. I have to say, this made me kinda depressed, because this really reminded me of a lot of events in my life. But that's a good thing in a way because it also made me realize a lot of things. The relationships b/w certain characters made me reflect on my own with others. with my relationship with my father. Uh, how do i say this, he was not really there throughout my whole childhood, and recently, I found out that he's really not who I thought he was after certain events. I discovered that he was dishonest about many, many things. I never really forgave him. It was easy for me to hate him, especially since we were never close to begin with.

But after looking at the relationships (albeit ficitional) b/w Junsu and his ex-gf, Yunho and yejin, yunho and his parents..etc, etc, I've come to realize that we are all humans; we all have desires/ambitions, and ultimately, we're all imperfect and make mistakes. I realized that despite everything, my father is human also. Even though he did some horrible things and he's not quite the man i thought he was my whole life, he's still my father and that he actually really cares about me and loves me.

Oh boy. How did i get so into this. Some of my best friends and my cousins don't even know about this and here I am rambling about it. Sorry, I got so off topic. But what I'm trying to say, what i want to say is: Thank you for writing such an amazing story because it truly opened my eyes to a lot of things. I really hope I didn't freak you out here. I'm really sorry. You must think I'm a nutcase and need psych-help desperately. ^^;; --BTW, I've noticed for both fics, you uploaded a lot of OSTs and I. LOVE. YOUR. TASTE. IN. MUSIC. Hahah, i'm not sure if you've seen me around in your threads, but for a while now, I would just come home, click on your threads, leave it open and click on the OSTs. LOL. I was hooked onto "Speechless" (both versions) for a while, and now a bunch of DBSK's songs, and "Driving." The other ones are great too.

Looking forward to more of your stories. ^^

This is from a reader from Venezuela, who has become a good friend to me:

I loved it! Midnight City couldn't have a better end. Thanks for writing such a marvelous piece of fiction. Seriously, and I mentioned this before to you, I hadn't found a story that could move me and play with my emotions so much like MC did in a looong while.

I have always wanted to write stuff that not only move people but also make people think and leave a positive impact on their lives. I have had the honor of some readers telling me they think a little differently about death, think a little harder about their decisions and so on after they read Midnight City. As the writer, I cannot tell you how happy and honored that makes me feel.

This is why it's worth it. This is why my dream lives.

Thank you, dear readers.

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