Monday, January 29, 2007

The Real Legend

Whenever people ask me for my all time fav music videos, somehow Michael Jackson always comes to mind with Remember The Time and Smooth Criminal. With no fancy effects that many videos have today, he still managed to create videos that are truly classic.

Scandals aside, this man is truly one of the most legendary performers the world has ever seen...the real deal, the real legend.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Rain Storms In Singapore

It's the first time I have chased a star in Singapore and watching Bi has made me understand what makes gals so crazy about him. When I say crazy, it really is...think hundreds of fans who turn up to pick him up and even more who send him off...they would run and scream wherever he moves, waves or smiles. For that one elusive smile, fans will go to all lengths.

The concert was great! It was fabulous to see him in real action and to know that he was happy here. Some say it was better than some concerts overseas. We screamed when he appeared, smiled when he smiled, laughed when we teased and cringed when he held his injured arm in pain. He was badly injured from HK concert but he kept his promise. That's fabulous work ethics for you.

Despite his lack of expression at the press conference, many have ascertained that he really did like Singapore and hopes to come back to visit again. He liked our seafood and pandan cake :) We are all happy that he was happy and many miss him deeply after he's left.

Talking about what makes gals so crazy about him (even older women cannot help but scream and run after him), Ji Hoon has this dreamlike combination:
Boyish looks yet devilish, slurp-worthy body,

Bad boy appeal yet impossibly hardworking and caring nature (certified by many people who work with him including other stars),

Sexy flirt yet shy,

Hugely ambitious yet family oriented,

Attractive to many yet devoted,

Young yet mature in thinking,

Has everything yet deeply lonely,

Throw in his tragic background and brooding young man aura and girls will trip over themselves to love, lust, care and mother him. Ji Hoon embodies what women want and yet cannot have in real life. Never mind that he may be a perfectionist and introvert, the appeal is irresistible. Woman absolutely cannot get enough of him.

Fans really care about him. They want him to be happy, less lonely and rest more. Friends have told me that slick moves and sexy bod aside, it is in learning who is he, how hard he has and continues to work that make people so into him.

We finally understand why people will fly around just to see him. Just look at the number of women who have booked tickets last minute for this weekend's concert in Malaysia.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I love the new style of hip hop Justin's bringing back. After all the gangsta muzak, some refreshment is greatly welcomed.

Groovy yet clean and sexy is the new brand of hip hop presented by Justin Timberlake. I love's not fast but yet challenging to dance to cos you gotta be clean while maintaining sharp and groovy. Best of all, it's sexy.

Oh yes, sexy is back.

Happy Little Things

I had really nice sweet and sour fish the other day and it inspired me to write this little list! My, my…amazing what good fish does to people!

Given that while we do have days where special things happen, many days will be filled with normal, mundane events. In the spirit of finding joy in little things:

Can you think of 10 DAILY, MUNDANE things that make you happy, smile, go "mmmm" or "aaahhh"?

My list goes like (in no order of importance):

1. Having good fish in a meal
2. Good Chye-por omelette, good not together please
3. Satisfying a food craving
4. Having a good, thorough dump...absolutely ahhhhhh...ok I know it's wrong to put it after food but well who cares
5. Finding a good topic to write about
6. Waking up after a good night's sleep
7. Remembering to use moisturiser, eye cream, mask.. blah blah
8. Good weather where there is sun yet cool and cloudy
9. Naps during rainy days
10. Days where I can dress down and days where I dress up when I feel like it

Honestly, this is top of my head...I will add or change when I search the rest of my head and find something new :P

Friday, January 12, 2007

Countdown Begins

He's all over the media these days!

The countdown is starting...excitement is building as we get more news and updates!!

Frankly I stopped myself from watching the Las Vegas concert clips so that I can watch the Singapore concert with no pre-expectation. I am sure it will be exciting because of his fame for live performances and the reviews that I have received from previous concerts.

Can't wait!!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


One more week to Bi in Singapore! *excited*

My gosh...he's hot.

Period. Full Stop.

Laugh all you want but how to not find the man sexy??

Monday, January 08, 2007

Money Money Money

Working in the wealth management line has exposed me to the ugly and pleasant sides of people because after all, we are dealing with something

I think the best thing about working in this profession is really learning to manage expectations about money. No doubt I am an aggressive investor by nature, it is different when it comes to clients' money. Yes I do go for investments with higher profit potential but it is with understanding a simple rule :

Nothing comes free.

Higher returns = Higher risk.

It's a simple rule of life isn't it?

There are times I get requests for the highest returns, lowest risks, no strings attached but high return deposits etc. Sometimes the hardest part of this profession is managing such expectations. Yes we do find good deals from time to time but unfortunately, they are often not available to retail investors. You will be surprised at the amount of enthusiasm banks have in lending money to those who need it least and the doors that open like magic to those who already have some.

Greed is the thing that one sees most often in the money profession. One sees the heights greed can motivate people to reach as well as the depths it drives people to. Greed is the thing that opens one's eyes to new things while blinding one at the same time with all its bling-bling glory.

I hate to burst bubbles sometimes but it is to me, necessary to the job. Better to build a more realistic bubble then to have a huge bubble that is filled with literally nothing but hot air.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Hi 2007

It's 1.50 am in the morning..the morning of 1st January 2007. I had just returned from a competition that my team members were in so that I can be home to...yeah guess

Work on New Year's Eve? Yeah so that I can keep a promise.

Honestly, this wasn't a very pleasant Christmas and New Year for me this year because of the stress levels.

Nonetheless, I am happy to receive you, 2007.

Last year I had received 2006 alone, watching fireworks from my apartment window. This year, I spent it amongst many happy dancing people.

A friend asked me what was the most meaningful event for 2006 that touched my mind heart etc.

I was stumped.

Stumped because there wasn't really one that came to mind which fit the level of impact she described but I felt blessed that there were a number of warm moments in 2006 such as

...the time when Gary comforted me over the phone when I was sad and in tears at 2 am in the morning and beyond.

...the time we saw the completed studio and got the keys.

...when CF stayed with me whenever I was sick..which was so often.

...when my little gal called me "Gan Ma".

...when my buddies totally pampered me for my birthday.

...when I saw the performance team members improve day by day.

...when I got to visit HK.

...when I started painting again.

While I was stuck in traffic along the highway on the way back, I made a little..ok not so little prayer to God. I prayed for all my selfish desires and wishes for 2007 that I hope will come true.

I sure hope I will be able to spend the next New Year's Eve in peace, having reached all my targets and cleared all my deadlines...and perhaps... someone dear to watch fireworks with.