Friday, September 08, 2006


I made a great decision yesterday...or more like realised one.

I made the decision to close a chapter which I would consider a great part of my life especially for the past one year. It was not that it had never crossed my mind, it was just that executing it just never found the right moment. It was a tough decision. Even now, a part of me wonder "is it time?".

In the past few years, I had more chances to say goodbye to many things and even people. For Cancerians, saying goodbye is a really difficult thing to do.

For a long time, I had wanted this opportunity. It came and it took up a great part of my life for the past one year. Friends were made, laughter and anger ensued. Promises were made, carried out, failed while lessons were learnt.

There was a whole lot of reasons that made my mind up. There was a whole lot of considerations that went into it. I had thought of the worst possible scenarios which will create big changes to my current life...the things that I may have to give up. Thus, for a long time, there was no decision. Leaving is never a fast, easy amd impulsive decision for me.

I decided to let life decide and I guess the moment had come. I only hope that good things will come in the days to follow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blue pill or red pill ....
Well, who can tell us what's good and what's not. Who can tell us what is our truth? Truth is ours to define and so is decision. I'm glad you took the courage and follow your guts despite of whatever odds may be against you. I believe there's no good or bad decision, whichever decision will still bring you learnings and experiences which are priceless. Take care.