Monday, July 28, 2008

20.07.2008 (Ok a few days late)

Dear me,

I am a little late in writing my annual birthday entry this year but it was because I didn't know what I wanted to write about. I finally got the idea today.

Today, I was talking to a friend who's going through an unlucky patch. I remember a patch of my life where it was similar. Thus, I am thankful for the improvements that I have seen since then. Instead of writing about what I would like to wish for, I would just like to be thankful for the wonderful things that have happened in my life.

The People....

My brothers whom may not have been openly affectionate but have been the reason why I made it through school and several low patches in my life. More than siblings, they have played the role of my parents whenever it came to an area my parents could not help in. I have come to recognise my brothers' way of loving and indeed I am lucky to have them.

My parents who are the reason why I even am here.

Sex & The City bunch who move me everytime they make the special effort to celebrate my birthday with me. The girls who have watched and stayed with me throughout all this time.

Sotong Clan who's been people more than just friends to spazz with but also friends with whom I can share my life with.

Folks at En Motion who have given me a home in salsa.

My readers who have kept me company in my journey of writing, for which the journey would have been terribly lonely.

My Soompi friends who have showed me that distance and nationality does not matter in friendship.

My clients without whom life would be tough and because this business is more than just money.

DBSK who is very much the spark behind the beginning of my writing and the reason why I have a piggy bank. Whenever I feel like giving up, I look at them and I feel motivated to continue.

and of course...God whom I do not need words for. Thank God for everything.

The Things and Happenings...

For discovering writing because I continue to feel fortunate in discovering this love and continue to hope to take this further.

For better health because this is something that is so important and can be so expensive if something does go wrong!

For improvements in business for obvious reasons!! LOL

For savings and my piggy bank because this has been one area that I have been wanting to improve. This is the first time my piggy bank is actually getting stuff inside no matter how small it is LOL

For all the good things that have come my way because it is important to be thankful!

Happy Birthday to me, try to worry less and try not to think too much about the impending big 3.

With love,

1 comment:

claire said...

Cat Unnie, Hwaiting!!!.. Haha..

The big 3 is not that scary.. esp when it's happening to others..

Nonetheless, hope that every year will be one that will be filled with stuff to give thanks for.. :)