Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Dancer

I could and can always just watch him the whole night.

A dancer whose love for dance took him away from home and to many foreign countries...Sol is someone Gary and I really look up to.

We always felt he should be more famous than he is now. Maybe it is just his easygoing personality but we really feel he is comparable to many of the big names in Salsa today. We have had the honor to see some of the biggest names in Salsa this year on our little island. Everyone comes with their personal style and no doubt, the skills that have earned them their reputation.

Sol, is a little special.

Maybe because he's a friend? Maybe because he's easygoing? Maybe because he's so passionate? Maybe because he dared to do the things many of us don't have the courage to do? Maybe because he's Asian?

Dancing with Sol brings out the smile, sparkle and potential in his partner. I have seen many a female dancer show sides of them I had not seen before while dancing with him. I know because am one of them. Mnay have agreed with me...watching him dance and dancing with him is really different. It's the feeling he gives you that cannot be felt or comprehended when you dance with him. Even his students who have danced with him for 2 years say they still feel the same excitement when they dance with him.

We guessed that if he were here, the floor would clear for him and it did happen. It was nice seeing our visions of him dancing in Singapore finally come true after months of waiting.

I am going to make the best of his stay here *laughs*

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