Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Once Loved

Everyone in love hopes for love to last but sometimes it doesn't. When that happens, it is often not the fact that love ends that hurts. It's when love doesn't end properly that it hurts.

There were 2 men in my life that I never found peace with. I was fortunate to find one of them after a long time and it really made me feel happy to be chatting with him once again. Perhaps that was what led me to contact another past love again.

I had met this past love a few times. We had chatted normally and all but I felt something about this meeting was different.

We finally managed to talk about the past.

You know you have found peace with each other when you can actually talk about the past with no hard feelings. Strangely enough, I have been fortunate to have ex-es apologise whenever we reached tha stage. They would say sorry for having been mean to me. The best part is, most of the time, I don't remember the things they apologise for.

Isn't that a good thing?

After all, if you have once loved that person, why would you want to hold on to the bad memories? Love is beautiful and if that is the case, then I would rather remember love and the people I have loved to be beautiful. Isn't it painful to know that when you see a person you once loved, you can't face him, talk to him or even say hi?

Frankly, I would prefer to be rid of all the baggage while I am still single and clear-minded...start the next love (if any) anew. Given the nasty circumstances the last one ended, I am not sure if we will ever be able to make peace.

So now it's one down and one more to go. It's okay, I will wait.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Will You Marry Me?

Before you start picking up your phones excitedly to call me, I am not getting married. *laughs*

I was watching this commercial of the brilliant rose diamond which I thought summed up what made marriage such a dreamy concept to women. The commercial went something like "There's only one thing he needs to win her heart...Forever." The lines were of course accompanied by visions of a man proposing to a woman who happily accepts the ring...BIG diamond ring may I add.

Yes women want stability and all in a marriage but if you were to strip it all down to the basics, women want the promise of forever, the promise that her man will love her forever, be with her forever and cherish her forever. Forever is a concept too romantic for most women to resist.

I also watched another program which brings me to another section of marriage. The program was called "I Propose", in which a man will show the world how he will plan and propose to his girl.

Now, a common question that will pop up after one announces one's marriage plans would be "So how did he propose?!"

Men, do not underestimate the importance of this event. It is equally as important as the ring, the wedding and the dress. Why is it so?

There's a princess in every woman who lives through her in different ways. It could be the clothes she wears, the jewellery she adores, simple mannerisms who personify the princess within. The epitome of that would naturally be that perfect wedding dress in that perfect wedding with that perfect prince or knight in shining armor and of course, the perfect proposal.

When I saw how the girl totally melted at the sight of her man getting on his knees to ask for her hand, I understood the meaning of the event.

The truth is even in this age of independence, most women have a submissive role to their men in one way or another before and after marriage. Yet it is during proposal that for once, the men do the unthinkable and get on their knees *gasp*, just for you! There is something very romantic about a man willing to put aside his pride and kneel for you while asking you to spend forever (hopefully) with him. It symbolises a man's desire to cherish her as his queen. This can only happen once in a lifetime (with the same man at least) and it is often a memory that still makes any woman blush at any age.

I recently saw a video of a friend's friend's brother who stopped traffic in orchard road, got down on his knees and proposed to his girlfriend. Crazy? Yes. But it's definitely something that she will be able to talk about for the rest of her life.

Guys, you don't have to stop traffic in Orchard Road to make it special for her. Make her feel cherished and important...I think that should do the trick :)

Friday, November 16, 2007


New MV for Midnight City :)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Love From The Air

These are some of the things that have made my day recently...

"ps, hey i'm serious when i say you can write a book!! i don't know about publishers but if you post certain outstanding chapters to the newspaper and they get printed, someone might notice them and assist you towards publishing!! you just gotta get your stuff together thanks for the pm!! "

"i was snooping around the fanfic thread, looking for something to read because i was procrostinating....and i got hooked by your trailer---that trailer is definitely working in publicizing your awesome fic.i started reading... and wow. i'm taken by the characters,,the way you explore the human nature, the light and dark of personality that each person is such a beautiful study of people. of raw life and dark depths of human relationships and human condition."

"Another amazing chapter, and those ppl are should publish your work, especially this one, I'd definitely buy it =]"

I have never met these people but I definitely felt a lot of love there! I will be working on writing better and praying that a good opportunity comes along!

Thank you, my dear readers :)


Eve has to apologise. She has been spending so much of her writing brain cells on fiction writing that she has not written that many thoughtful entries here.

Recently Eve talked to a couple of friends and found a few things recurring.

Eve has always felt people don't love themselves as much as they should. Perhaps it is due to the fact that we are bred in a culture which respects humility. Self-love may thus be mistaken for an ego trip.

Of course there are such ego trips. Yet, sometimes Eve wonders if we have forgotten to draw the line?

Eve knows many very wonderful women who subject themselves to lousy relationships all in the name of martyrdom for love. Yes it is all very noble. But happy? It is almost like we wear our scars as badges of honor. Why do we think it is okay to be in a relationship that hurts or will hurt? Why do we allow ourselves to live in situations of less than what we may truly deserve? Why do we allow ourselves to accept anything less than what should make us happy?

In Korea, plastic surgery is widely accepted. Eve cannot totally comprehend this. Yes we all love to look good but except in extreme cases, Eve believes in cherishing what God has given you.

Unrelated? Eve begs to differ.

Eve believes it all comes down to a matter of self-perception, self esteem and self-love.

A woman who finds it hard to leave a harmful relationship may have a few reasons. Amongst them is the common "Will I find someone like him again?" even if she is not happy. Yet, if you look deep enough, you will likely find a voice that says "I don't think I can do better. This is as good as what I deserve to get."

Hard to believe? Think again.

Let's turn the tables around. Assume there is someone you really love in this world, be it a sibling, a friend or a partner. Would you want the best for that person? Probably yes. If you saw that person in a nasty situation, would you want him or her to get out of it? Probably yes.

If that is the case, why is it so hard to do so for ourselves? Do we not deserve anything more than true love for ourselves too? And how can one claim to love another or even know what love is if one cannot even learn to love oneself?

We live in a culture where we are made to believe that beauty is equivalent to porcelain skin, an impossibly slim figure, perfect hair and so on. Why do we (including Eve herself) continue to spend so much money on physical enhancements? Social etiquette aside, Eve sees this as an instance where insecurity is at work. The root of such behavior goes deep into an underlying insecurity and fear of not being accepted, not being enough. Eve finds it hard to embrace a culture where people focus so much on achieving perfection that people forget to work on growing the person within.

Talk about perfection.

From young, I am sure everyone has an ideal image of what we hope ourselves to be. As we grow up, that becomes the road map that guides us. Yet all too often, Eve realises that life often has plans of its own, choosing to take the person in another path. That path may well contradict what the person had originally planned. In fact, he or she may find that he or she had changed into the person he or she despised. The result? We blame ourselves and bash ourselves up thinking "Why did I do that?", "What kind of a person have I become?" and "I hate myself."

Eve is not saying we should not keep ourselves in check. We should!

However, there are times whereby one has to realise there may be a difference between what one wants and what one is able to have. The same goes for the person we wanna be versus the person we really are. Sometimes, maybe all we need is to accept that person and life will open its doors in miraculous ways that would not have happened if one had not allowed it to happen.

All we need is love...not for just other people, but ourselves too.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Locket

The Locket

I wear my precious locket on my chest
The symbol of all that is me
The centre of existence
The giver of life

I wear my precious locket on my sleeve
Too pretty to hide
Yet too precious to give away
Waiting for the right piece

I wear my precious locket deep within
Too perfect to not be complete
Yet too fragile for all the world to see
Behind high walls is where it sits

Mar my locket not with frivolity
Unless it is frivolity my locket seeks
Seek not when it seeks not to seek
Only the right piece

A sudden burst of insipration led to writing this :)

Friday, November 09, 2007

Midnight City

New! First trailer for my current story :)

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Tag Fic Trailer

I started a tag fic on soompi recently where one author will write one chapter of the nobody knows how it will turn out :P

So far it's been really fun and exciting and the story is moving along really nicely....much to my pleasant surprise :)

So I made my virgin attempt at a trailer and here it is:

Sunday, November 04, 2007

High Society...Again

I was at That CD Shop today and found new albums added to the High Society series.

When am I ever going to have the whole collection like this??

I honestly love the sound and mixes they compile and I seriously hope to own more of them.

Right now, I only have Mansion, Passion 1 -3 and Eldissa. There are still so many to go!

Any nice friend wanna buy me some to add to the collection? :P X'mas is round the corner you know....hahahahahha


Ah it's been a while since I watched a powerful and thought provoking movie. Thus, it delighted me greatly to have watched Rendition.

I am honestly surprised that someone dared to make this movie because one stands to offend a lot of people even if it's probably the bloody truth that everybody knows but no one wants to admit.

The story centers around a few families whose lives are intertwined and yet separate through the common theme of terrorism; The innocent man wrongly accused of being a terrorist and the trauma of his family on his mysterious disappearance, the angst of a Muslim family on losing their daughter when she runs away from her home to be with a boy who turns out to the protaganist terrorist of the movie.

The main theme in the movie poster is "What would you do if your loved one suddenly disappeared?"

I love how the storyline explained how seemingly different innocent people are affected differently by terrorism and yet stay very much within this theme. Instead of focusing on the cliche angle of innocent killed by terrorism, the movie went into the wrongly accused, the terrorist and the innocent in the other side of the world.

The imagery in the movie is provocative. The way the director directed the flow of the story is also excellent. I won't say how, just watch it for yourself to know the nice twist in the timeline towards the end.

I felt a lot of subtle and not-so-subtle sarcasm and questions in this movie. I applaude the director for first filming this in possibly a dangerous location. I also applaude the courage to pose the questions through this movie. It offers a very real look at terrorism, not just the violence, but also the very human aspect of it.

i will not go into too much of the thoughts it gave me. Do watch it and let the questions come to you. Definitely goes down as of my most memorable movies ever.